
Trenton Continues Station Area Redevelopment Efforts

Efforts are underway to capitalize on the $75 million Trenton station improvement project that is scheduled for completion this summer...

Land Development at Selected Hudson-Bergen Light Rail Stations

Report link: Land Development at Selected Hudson-Bergen Light Rail Stations

This study builds on a previous VTC study of the Hudson-Bergen Light Rail Line, and also examines development near other stations on the line...

What About Our Schools?

Report link: What About Our Schools?

This report addresses—and dispels—one of the most common public misperceptions hindering TOD proposals...

Design Charrettes for Sustainable Communities

Report link: Design Charrettes for Sustainable Communities

This guide is an excellent resource for anyone interested in introducing charrettes, or design workshops, into the community planning process...

Bloomfield Center Redevelopment

Bloomfield, a New Jersey Transit Village since 2003, continues to make progress on a comprehensive redevelopment plan for its town center...

Collingswood Moves Ahead with Station Area Plans

Collingswood is taking a major step in its continuing efforts to redevelop near its transit station...

Land Development at Selected Hudson-Bergen Light Rail Stations

Researchers examine real estate development near the Hudson-Bergen Light Rail line, focusing on new residential construction at five stations in Bayonne, Jersey City, Hoboken, Weehawken and Union City...

New York’s Sustainability Commission and the MTA Recommend TOD

New York’s Commission on Sustainability and the MTA have released interim recommendations to promote environmental sustainability through transit...

Bayonne Launches 22nd Street Station/Broadway Corridor Redevelopment

The city of Bayonne has added its Hudson-Bergen Light Rail Line station at 22nd Street to its transit-oriented planning efforts...

A New Face of TOD—Bus Rapid Transit

Bus Rapid Transit has emerged as an efficient and affordable investment concept for converting urban bus routes into a modern, fast, reliable service...

Special Feature: A Housing Market Perspective of TOD

With the deep slump in New Jersey’s housing market, one bright spot remains—locations that are transit-rich...

Growing Cooler: The Evidence on Urban Development and Climate Change

Report link: Growing Cooler: The Evidence on Urban Development and Climate Change

The Urban Land Institute has issued this report to address growth and developmental strategies designed to curb greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions...