
Beacon Embraces Transit-Oriented Development

The city of Beacon, located 60 miles north of New York City, continues with efforts to develop near its newly modernized rail station...

Governor Corzine Signs Urban Transit Hub Tax Credit Act

Governor Jon Corzine has signed the Urban Transit Hub Tax Credit Act to encourage redevelopment and job growth at locations served by transit...

Redevelopment Plans for Beverly and Edgewater Park

Burlington County has produced a proposal to build new residential and commercial space near the Beverly/Edgewater Park RiverLine station...

Somerville Plans Move Forward

Somerville has taken another step to develop the 160-acre landfill site near its Raritan Valley train station...

Renewed Trenton Station Spurs Redevelopment

With funding from the Delaware Valley Regional Planning Commission Trenton has embarked on plans to redevelop the area around its train station...

This Issue’s Focus: NJ Brownfield Redevelopment

Brownfields are abandoned, idled or underutilized industrial and commercial properties where redevelopment is complicated by contamination...

Brownfield Resources and Outlook

The enactment of the Brownfield and Contaminated Site Remediation Act triggered the cleanup of problem sites all over the state...

TOD 101: Why Transit-Oriented Development And Why Now?

Report link: TOD 101: Why Transit-Oriented Development And Why Now

This book highlights the benefits of TOD and how it can help maintain the economic vitality of communities...

Brownfields Resources

Report links: Getting Started with Brownfields, State and Local Non-Cash Tools and Strategies, and Local Brownfield Financing Tools.

Charles Bartsch and Barbara Wells recently offered several articles outlining ways to reclaim underutilized and contaminated properties...

Visualizing Density

Report link: Visualizing Density

This book demonstrate the tenets of good density—highlighting locations where density has developed organically or been handled well...

Collingswood’s Plans for Development Near Station

Thee Delaware River Port Authority has announced a master plan for the seven stations in southern New Jersey served by the PATCO High Speed Line...

Rahway Redevelopment Agency Moves Forward with Plan to Move City Hall, Develop Town Center

Rahway has launched one of the city’s most ambitious TOD projects, Rahway Town Center, which calls for new retail, housing and a hotel...