Our TOD Stories
Take a deep dive into the transit friendly planning in New Jersey’s communities and throughout the nation. Learn about efforts to improve first-mile/last-mile connections, build inclusive transit oriented development, create places for people, handle parking in transit-rich areas, and a host of other topics that help support livable, transit-served places.
New Brunswick’s Transit Village: The HELIX in Focus
The HELIX project positions New Brunswick as a center for health and life sciences innovation while demonstrating the potential of transit-oriented development. Yet, addressing housing affordability is vital to ensure all residents benefit from the city’s progress...
Affordable Housing + TOD: Obligations and Opportunities
Friday, February 7, 2025 | 9:30A-12:00P | New Brunswick, NJ
This event, hosted by NJTOD, Downtown New Jersey, and NJ TRANSIT’s Transit Friendly Planning (TFP) Program will bring together experts from public agencies, nonprofit organizations, and the private sector to share their experiences with affordable housing in downtowns across New Jersey...
This event, hosted by NJTOD, Downtown New Jersey, and NJ TRANSIT’s Transit Friendly Planning (TFP) Program will bring together experts from public agencies, nonprofit organizations, and the private sector to share their experiences with affordable housing in downtowns across New Jersey...
A Snapshot of Housing Supply, Affordability, and Land Use in New Jersey
NJTOD advisor board member and New Jersey Future Director of Research, Tim Evans, released a report detailing the current state of housing in New Jersey...
FY2025 Transit Village Grants Awarded to Eight New Jersey Municipalities
Governor Murphy’s Administration recently announced $2.6 million in FY2025 Transit Village grant funding that will be awarded to eight New Jersey municipalities for quality of life and infrastructural improvements around transit facilities...
The 4th Round of New Jersey Affordable Housing Obligations: A Transit Friendly Perspective
New calculations mandate over 146,000 units of affordable housing. TOD incentives in the law reduce obligations and ease infrastructure strain...
4th Round Affordable Housing and What It Means to Your Downtown
Earlier this year, the legislature adopted a series of bills targeted at increasing housing affordability. The main bill, A4/S50, intends to streamline the process for the 4th round of municipal affordable housing obligations...
Staying Put: Innovative Approaches to Prevent Displacement in New Jersey
At its core, gentrification is about displacing lower-income individuals from their communities. Learn how to limit this displacement while improving transit-friendly places...
Recap: Cultivating Community, Commerce, and Transit Oriented Development: The 2024 NJTOD Symposium
The New Jersey TOD Symposium: Cultivating Community, Commerce, and Transit Oriented Development offered a day of collaboration and innovation focused on transit friendly planning and transit oriented development...
Recap: People, Parking, and Planning
Underpriced and over-supplied parking has long hindered the efficient use of valuable urban space. Explore the challenges due to current parking standards, ongoing legislative developments, and creative strategies to use existing underutilized parking spaces...
Recap: Retail and Redevelopment
Best practices for enhancing downtown areas in urban, suburban, and rural locations, as well as instances of new development, redevelopment, and existing properties...
Transit Friendly Spotlight: Dunellen Active Transportation Planning Study
The NJ TRANSIT Transit Friendly Planning Program begins Dunellen active transportation planning study, engaging with the community at rail station, Music in the Park event...
How a Transit Oriented Development Approach Can Rejuvenate Bus Rapid Transit Ambitions
Despite advantages in affordability and adaptability, implementation of Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) has proved challenging. One strategy to advance BRT and development around BRT facilities is to pay greater attention to land use...
Netcong: The Transit-Friendly Rural Place
As 126 new apartments come to Netcong, there is rekindled interest in a nearly 20-year-old plan to restore the Borough to its historic transit-oriented roots. Could the Borough serve as a model for other rural rail-towns?...
Beyond the Half-Mile Circle: Expanding First-Mile, Last-Mile Access to Transit
Too often we assume that first-mile and last-mile travel is fairly short. It's time too think more expansively about the trip to/from the station or stop...
Planning for Transit-Friendly Food Access
Transit-friendly planning and policymaking can promote food access and can make it possible to regularly obtain quality groceries without the need for a car...
Recap: Rethinking the Right of Way
Data, Diversity, Density, and Discussion to adapt your downtown right-of-way into an economic and engaging engine and to serve the needs of those traveling by all modes...
Walking and Biking Are Transportation Too
NJTOD.org advisor board member, Tim Evans, recently discussed the dangers posed when pedestrians and cyclists are left out of transportation system planning and steps that can be taken to address this disparity...
South Amboy Plans Housing and Multimodal Connections
Designated as a NJ Transit Village in 1999 for the area around its rail station, South Amboy now plans its transit friendly future around both its rail and ferry connections and displays an openness to change and collaboration that can help the small city move forward with its redevelopment plans...
Dollars and Sense: Financing TOD
Experts from public, private, and non-profit entities discuss their experiences with available financing tools and how they are used in transit-oriented development...
With Station Reconstruction, Elizabeth Sees Growing Interest in Transit-Oriented Development
Considerable investment in Elizabeth Station complements planned and in-progress developments in the Union County seat...
How to Build More Inclusive TOD: Learning from Black Developers
Three Black development professionals discuss their work and ways that policy, and transit-oriented development, can be shaped to be more effective and inclusive...
TOD Finance: Why Finance Matters
While the world of finance may seem complex, it is an incredibly important aspect of development. With this knowledge, communities and policy makers can devise better planning and public policy solutions to achieve their goals, and imagine and implement more effective incentives and statutory requirements to improve the next generation of TOD...
Bus TOD: Smart Growth Spurred by Bus Rapid Transit in Cleveland, Pittsburgh, and Denver
Bus Rapid Transit service has helped leverage billions of dollars in transit-oriented development in Cleveland, Pittsburgh, and the Denver metropolitan area...
Gentle Density: Tactics for Small-Scale TOD
Alternative solutions for pursuing transit-oriented development when large-scale multifamily complexes are not feasible, or preferred...
Morristown Connects Transportation and Land Use Planning to Promote TOD
Morristown, one of New Jersey's first Transit Villages, continues to grow with a focus on mixed-use, pedestrian-oriented, transit-friendly planning...
NJ eTOD: How Asbury Park, Plainfield, and Jersey City Are Promoting Equitable Transit-Oriented Development
Three NJ municipalities each offer their own model for putting equity at the forefront of TOD...
NJTOD and Bloustein Graduate Student Association Host Panel on TOD & Equity
The Rutgers Bloustein Graduate Student Association recently hosted a panel of planners from the MTA, Sound Transit, TriMet, and Los Angeles Metro to discuss the work of incorporating equity into transit-oriented development...
Reinventing Metropark Station: From Suburban Park-and-Ride to TOD Community
The effort to reinvent the Metropark Station area as a TOD community has taken major steps forward in recent months amid a renewed, State-level push to advance development near transit stations...
Arts and Public Spaces Keep Rahway “Stronger Every Day”
While COVID-19 remains a threat and the future is still uncertain, downtown Rahway has once again sprung to life. In some ways it’s busier than usual...
Transportation, Health Equity & COVID-19: Connections Between Access and Well-Being
Access to quality, reliable transportation has a major impact on one’s life. During the COVID-19 pandemic, this disparity has been even more apparent as those living in high-risk areas have suffered more health impacts from the virus. Solutions related to more reliable transportation options and increased density may lead to greater health equity outcomes...
Bringing Demarest Place to Life
The City of Hackensack taps into the arts to plan an inclusive public space in a changing downtown...
NPC20 @ Home Recap
Planning professionals from around the country joined APA for the 2020 National Planning Conference at Home, the annual gathering that was moved online in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. The three days of sessions focused on multiple disciplines across the planning sector including transportation, housing, community engagement, technology, and, most of all, how planners can help their communities recover from the COVID-19 crisis. Four of the conference sessions specifically addressed topics of interest to TOD professionals, such as curb utilization, parking minimums, risk assessment, and microtransit options...
Online Planning & Engagement: New Jersey Communities Plan for the Future, at a Safe Distance
New Jersey planning and public outreach professionals share guidance on continuing public engagement activities amid COVID-19 social distancing measures, who might be left out of virtual engagement activities, and how the current turn to web-based tools may impact the future of the planning profession...
Opportunity Zones 101: A Primer
A 2017 tax incentive provides opportunities to redirect capital gains into redevelopment projects to receive a reduction in tax liability. This financing tool has created opportunities for NJ Transit Villages to redevelop areas that have historically been underserved and neglected...
TOD Mobility: Asbury Park’s Greatest Hits
Mike Manzella, Director of Transportation for Asbury Park, explains how sustainable transportation solutions and a willingness to test new ideas have boosted Asbury Park's revival as a major shore destination and great place to live and work...
Creating Places for People: Placemaking in Transit-Friendly Downtowns
What makes a great place? The how-tos of placemaking, including outcomes and impacts when implementing placemaking strategies...
Panelists Offer Up Guidance on Making TOD Real
A recap of our first TOD in Your Downtown Forum, Making TOD Real: Planning & Building Transit-Oriented Development in NJ, and link to the video...
Celebrating 20 Years of the NJ Transit Village Initiative
On November 14, 2019, state and local officials gathered at the College Avenue Student Center at Rutgers University, New Brunswick to celebrate the 20th anniversary of the Transit Village Initiative. Hosted by NJDOT, "Growing Transit Villages in the Garden State: Getting it Done" was a chance to take a look back on the achievements of the 33 municipalities that have joined the program and to look forward to the future of NJ Transit-oriented Development (TOD)...
Rethinking TOD Parking
Many communities have been slow to adapt parking policies to changes that are reducing demand. Trends such as congestion pricing, ride-hailing, and other mobility options present opportunities as well as challenges to fostering transit-oriented development...
Tech-Driven Mobility Opportunities & Transit-Oriented Development
The rise of technology-driven mobility presents important opportunities for TOD, making transit more convenient while also opening up a whole new world of flexible mobility options...
The Importance of Public Involvement in TOD Planning
This week's video features Tom Schulze. Mr. Schulze draws upon 40 years of experience in city planning and discusses the importance of involving the public in the planning for TOD...
Planners Living in TOD
This week we feature two videos! Andrew Lappitt is Senior Planner at Sam Schwartz. Leigh Ann Von Hagen is Senior Researcher & Adjunct Professor at the Alan M. Voorhees Transportation Center at Rutgers University. Both are planners and each is a resident of a designated New Jersey Transit Village, Rahway and Netcong, respectively...
Plainfield TOD Open for Business
While working closely with developers to push projects through in a streamlined manner, the administration of Mayor Adrian O. Mapp is also working to maximize benefits for existing residents. The City insists on redevelopment agreements that require developers to carry out neighborhood improvements or make financial contributions to local programs...
Matt Ward: Engaging the Public on TOD
This week's video features Matt Ward. Mr. Ward is Senior Planner for the City of Jersey City, New Jersey. Mr. Ward discusses the benefits and challenges of engaging the public on TOD...
Vinn White on How TOD Opportunities Help NJ Meet Its Goals
This week's video features Vinn White. Mr. White is Senor Policy Advisory to Governor Murphy, working in the area of transportation. Earlier in his career, he served in the US Department of Transportation under Secretary Ray LaHood and Secretary Anthony Foxx. Mr. White discusses the opportunities offered through TOD...
Phil Abramson: The Key to Transit-Oriented Development
This week we feature our chat with Phil Abramson. In 2014 Mr. Abramson founded Topology, a real estate consulting firm that offers urban planning, development and project management. Mr. Abramson discusses one specific challenge to TOD, providing good transit...
What Makes a TOD Community Work: Kim Avant-Babb
Ms. Avant-Babb is Chief Strategy Officer at the New Jersey Redevelopment Authority (NJRA), an independent financing authority created by the State of New Jersey to transform urban communities through direct investment and technical support. Ms. Avant-Babb discusses the characteristics that make TOD communities work...
Charles Latini: Challenges to Implementing TOD
Charles Latini serves as President of APA-NJ, is Managing Partner at L&G Planning LLC, and is also a long-time member of the NJTOD.org Advisory Board. Mr. Latini discusses some of the challenges to implementing TOD in NJ...
Annisia Cialone: Jersey City’s Industrial TOD
Annisia Cialone serves as the Director of Jersey City's Department of Housing, Economic Development, and Commerce (HEDC). She weighs in on the elements that go into crafting an effective vision for TOD and discusses the opportunities to incorporate industrial uses into TOD communities. The interview was taped at the 2019 NJAPA conference...
Eric Fang Offers a Vision for Large & Small TOD
Eric Fang, Principal at Perkins Eastman, discusses how to craft an effective vision of TOD. He explores the issues of design, placemaking, and how TOD can work on both the large and small scale...
Robert Goldsmith Discusses NJ Home Rule in the NJTOD Video Series
This interview, taped at the 2019 NJAPA conference, features Robert Goldsmith. Mr. Goldsmith is a Partner at Greenbaum, Rowe, Smith & Davis where he co-chairs the Redevelopment and Land Use Practice. He discusses the issue of home rule in the state of New Jersey and how it affects the implementation of TOD...
Ricardo Fernandez Joins the NJTOD Video Series
Ricardo Fernandez, Business Administrator, Passaic, NJ, discusses the challenges of implementing TOD. Taped at the 2019 APA-NJ Conference...
NJTOD Video Series Continues with Mike Manzella
Mike Manzella, Director of Transportation in the City of Asbury Park, NJ. He shares his perspective on how TOD helps to support healthier, more equitable, and more sustainable communities and the role that parking plays in making TOD work. Taped at the 2019 APA-NJ Conference...
NJTOD.org Launches TOD Video Series
Our first video features Debra Tantleff, Founding Principal of Tantum, a real estate development and advisory firm based in Jersey City, NJ. Ms. Tantleff offers her view of the differences between urban and suburban TOD. Taped at the 2019 APA-NJ Conference...
Transformation Strategies Yield Results for Downtown Metuchen
Guest contributor, Isaac D. Kremer, Executive Director, Metuchen Downtown Alliance, discusses how Metuchen has harnessed the Main Street New Jersey (MSNJ) program and its transformation strategies to bolster transit-oriented development...
Harrison TOD: Development Gathers Pace in Former “Beehive of Industry”
The Town of Harrison was once a manufacturing powerhouse known as the “Beehive of Industry.” Decades after the assembly lines fell silent, Harrison is once again alive with activity. Moving away from – but not forgetting – its industrial past, the town has embraced a vision of a walkable, mixed-use community with prime access to the region’s job market...
How Woodbridge Transformed Polluted Land into an Arts and Transit Hub
Woodbridge is earning a reputation as a leader in redevelopment, ranging from mixed use housing to brand new manufacturing facilities. The Avenel Arts Village Redevelopment Project is one among the 50 redevelopment initiatives happening in the Township...
NJLUTRANS: A Planning Application for NJ TODs
NJLUTRANS (the New Jersey Land Use + Transit Data Application) gives users a way to learn about new development and redevelopment coming to their neighborhoods and to explore the essential link between land use and transportation through maps and data...
Transforming Transit Assets into Transit Villages
NJ TRANSIT and NJDOT discuss their innovative program to capitalize on transit use – now in 33 municipalities statewide...
Fanwood: A NJ Model of TOD Eighteen Years in the Making
As a year-end holiday gift to residents, Fanwood’s Block 64 redevelopment project, situated across from its historic train station, is scheduled for completion. And in 2019, the Borough’s development shows no signs of slowing down...
New Brunswick Transit Village: Groundbreakings and Breaking New Ground in “Hub City”
The past five years have brought many changes to New Brunswick, NJ, notably, millions of dollars in redevelopment, new bicycling facilities and parks, and many new residents...
After Flood Protections, Bound Brook is Reborn
Bound Brook is on the cusp of a major turnaround with new transit-oriented development, efforts to improve walkability, and increased focus on attracting new businesses and enhancing public spaces...
Creating Public Spaces for Transit-Oriented Communities
This is Part 2 of our series on how public spaces contribute to transit-oriented community life. Here we will discuss...
Public Spaces Add Vitality to Transit-Oriented Communities
Part 1 in our series on how public spaces contribute to transit-oriented community life where we discuss four ways that public spaces can make our lives better...
Planning & Engagement Advance Somerville’s Goals
Years of planning and public engagement have contributed to Somerville’s resurgence—a pedestrian street, new businesses, and new housing all bring a new vibrancy to its downtown...
Four New Jersey Municipalities Receive Transit Village Grants
Governor Murphy’s administration recently announced awards to four Transit Village grant recipients...
What’s New in Metuchen? A Look into the Past and Future
Recent redevelopment in Metuchen represents a leap forward for the community -- new housing, new retail, and a new plaza...
Strategies to Promote Equitable Transit-Oriented Development
Equitable transit oriented development (eTOD) planning strategies can help communities promote housing affordability near transit...
Asbury Park — New Jersey’s 33rd Transit Village
Planning for pedestrians and bicyclists, zoning changes, and Master Plan updates help Asbury Park promote its Transit Village...
Learning from National eTOD Models
Good eTOD planning has allowed these communities to successfully bring new affordable housing options to their transit-served neighborhoods...
Hackensack: New Jersey’s 31st Transit Village
The Hackensack Bus Terminal is at the core of NJ's 31st Transit Village, the City of Hackensack...
Making the Most of What You’ve Got: Adaptive Reuse and TOD
Understanding the challenges and opportunities offered by adaptive reuse is helpful to communities looking to promote transit-friendly development...
Work Begins on Metuchen’s Pearl Street Redevelopment
When completed, years of planning will result in new housing, retail, parking and a public piazza in Metuchen's center...
Irvington Named 30th NJ Transit Village
Bus service and the Irvington Bus Terminal are at the core of NJ's 30th Transit Village, Irvington Township...
Park Ridge Named 29th NJ Transit Village
Named the state's 29th Transit Village, the Borough of Park Ridge is focusing on pedestrian improvements and zoning changes to achieve its TOD goals...
Harrison Follows Its Vision Towards Redevelopment
Good planning and transit improvements are helping Harrison reach its redevelopment and TOD goals...
The Importance of Placemaking for Suburban TODs
Guest contributor, Debra Tantleff, discusses how focusing on placemaking can help communities achieve their redevelopment goals...
Coworking Adds Flexible Office Space to Transit-Rich Locations
A recent trend in office space, known as coworking, could potentially help transit-oriented developments increase diversity of uses among their mixed-use structures...
Booming Bloomfield is Growing in all the Right Ways
A range of transit oriented developments and planning efforts are boosting Bloomfield as a key transit hub on the Montclair-Boonton Line...
For Two Midwestern Cities, the Future of Buses is Now The Second in a Two-Part Series on Bus Rapid Transit & TOD in America
Cleveland couples incentives with coordinated plans for land use and bus-rapid transit to yield billions in TOD investment...
Smaller Housing Adds Affordable, Livable Options near Transit
A trend toward smaller housing units, such as microunits and accessory dwelling units, can create more livable opportunities near transit...
For Two Midwestern Cities, the Future of Buses is Now The First in a Two-Part Series on Bus Rapid Transit & TOD in America
In some Pittsburgh neighborhoods, bus rapid transit is playing an integral role in spurring investment for residents rebuilding for the 21st century...
Resources Highlight Maryland’s TOD Potential
Report link: Planning Tools for Transit-Oriented Development
A new online resource released by the State of Maryland promotes TOD policies and opportunities at the state's more than 100 transit station...
A new online resource released by the State of Maryland promotes TOD policies and opportunities at the state's more than 100 transit station...
Redevelopment Plans Lead to Results in Bound Brook
Development, population growth, improved transit service, and planning efforts are helping to create a vibrant TOD community in Bound Brook, NJ...
South Orange: Early NJ Transit Village Continues to Embrace TOD
Two decades of self-assessment, planning, public engagement, and redevelopment help South Orange achieve its TOD goals...
Perth Amboy Fast Tracks its TOD Plans
With the goal of transit-oriented redevelopment in mind, in 2013 Perth Amboy undertook TOD planning efforts and is moving to implement those plans...
Bus and Train Makes Plainfield the State’s Newest Transit Village
In March 2014, the New Jersey Department of Transportation designated Plainfield New Jersey’s newest Transit Village...
Wesmont Station Moves Forward
When completed, Wesmont Station will encompass residential, commercial and recreational uses as well as provide a new transit connection to New York...
“Inner M&E” Strategic Corridor Plan: Final Presentation
The intent of this project is to bring together Orange, East Orange and Newark to create a mutually beneficial strategic planning effort...
Summit Designated 27th NJ Transit Village
In September 2013 Summit became the newest designee in the NJ Department of Transportation’s Transit Village Initiative...
New Brunswick Launches Wellness Plaza
In late 2012 New Brunswick received a long anticipated Christmas present: the opening of Wellness Plaza...
Dunellen, New Jersey’s 26th Transit Village
In the summer of 2012, Dunellen became New Jersey's newest Transit Village, bringing the total to 26...
New Project Bolsters Cranford’s TOD Mission
Cranford, a New Jersey Transit Village, is now home to two TOD projects, Cranford Crossing and Riverfront at Cranford Station...
Health in All Policies
"Health in all policies" has become an increasingly important concept as professionals in all arenas seek to improve public and individual health...
TOD’s Health Dividend
TOD can encourage healthy exercise habits and improve the overall community environment by offering transit, walking, and bicycling options...
Bloomfield Makes Progress on Its TOD
Bloomfield is making strides toward the long-awaited transit-oriented redevelopment of its rail station area, as Glenwood Village moves along...
Bound Brook – Moving Toward Its TOD Future
Bound Brook's new Downtown Urban Design Plan calls for development around the train station, as well as building a waterfront trail...
TOD and Complete Streets Work Together
As TOD gains momentum, accommodating people who want to live, work, and play near transit, “Complete Streets” has emerged to bolster TOD...
Special Feature: StreetFilms Focuses on TOD
In February 2011, StreetFilms launched its new video series "Moving Beyond the Automobile" with a 3-minute look at TOD efforts in Hudson County...
23rd Transit Village Announced – City of Linden
In 2010, the City of Linden was designated the 23rd Transit Village by the state-wide program administered by the NJ Department of Transportation...
Work Moves Forward in Riverside
Located a mere 22 minutes from Camden via the RiverLINE, Riverside plans to expand its TOD efforts as New Jersey’s economic fortunes improve...
Garwood – Moving from Industry to TOD
A former industrial city, Garwood is trying to outgrow that past by redeveloping old industrial sites near its NJ Transit station and bus service...
NYC Westside Development
On Manhattan’s West Side sits what is arguably the last large area suitable for development in the borough – the 26 acre West Side Yard...
Tri-State Transportation Campaign Grant Awardees
The Tri-State Transportation Campaign has awarded grants to eight municipalities within New Jersey, New York, and Connecticut for TOD projects...
Wesmont Station Picks up the Pace
Redevelopment of a former industrial in site in Wood-Ridge as a transit-oriented development near the new Wesmont station is making progress...
Who in New Jersey Lives Near Transit?
Throughout the nation, for a large and growing part of the population living near transit is an important consideration when choosing where to live...
Q&A with Rahway’s Mayor James Kennedy
At the occasion of Mayor James Kennedy’s final term of office, we had the opportunity to ask him a few questions about Rahway’s TOD efforts...
New Transit Villages: Montclair and Somerville
In 2010 Montclair and Somerville were designated as the state’s latest Transit Villages after demonstrating a sustained commitment to TOD...
New Mixed-Use Project: The Avenue at South Orange
In May 2010, The Avenue at South Orange officially opened to the public.
New Brunswick Rising
When completed in mid-2012, the Gateway will combine residential, commercial and educational uses, and provide additional parking in the downtown...
Union County College Completes Elizabeth Campus Building
Redevelopment efforts in the City of Elizabeth have been given a boost this past year with the completion of the Elizabeth I. Kellogg building...
Newark TOD: Capitalizing on Historic Assets
Located only 8 miles from Manhattan, Newark enjoys a number of distinct advantages that makes it an obvious case for transit-oriented development...
Bordentown Waterfront Community
The first phase of a mixed-use transit-oriented development community in Bordentown will likely begin this year...
New Year, New Start to TOD in New Jersey
Facing the ongoing implications of the state’s economic situation, we can reflect on the past and take the opportunity to reassess priorities...
Seven New Jersey Resources Supporting TOD
Following is a sampling of programs designed to support TOD in New Jersey...
Moving Forward in Pleasantville
In November 2009 Pleasantville signed a master developer’s agreement with River Development, LLC for the City Center Redevelopment project...
Collingswood Station Redevelopment Update
The Delaware River Port Authority is currently examining proposals to help transform the 9.1-acre Collingswood Station Transit Village...
Cleanup and Redevelopment in Rahway
Transit-oriented redevelopment efforts in Rahway continue, though not without setbacks along the way.
TOD Comes to Baltimore, Maryland
The City of Baltimore has taken a bold step toward making transit-oriented development a reality near its existing and future transit stations...
Somerville Landfill Project Receives Boost
In October, Somerville’s development plans for its former landfill received a boost when it was designated as a Brownfield Development Area...
Proposed Federal TOD Grants & Interagency “Sustainable Communities” Initiative
The Senate Banking Committee introduced legislation in August that, if passed, would spur better land use practices...
NJDOT Designates City of Orange as New Transit Village
The NJ Department of Transportation has designated Orange and the area around its NJ TRANSIT Orange Station as the state’s 20th Transit Village...
Morristown’s Transit Village: Full Steam Ahead
In spite of the bleak economy, Morristown’s new transit village is coming alive...
Historic Rutherford Station Undergoes Restoration
The Rutherford Station is undergoing a two-year restoration of the historic station’s original exterior and improvements to its interior...
New Buildings Rise … and to Rise in New Brunswick
New Brunswick has been redeveloping its rail station area in recent years by strengthening educational, cultural, health care and residential uses...
New Mixed-Use Project to Rise in Metuchen
Work has finally begun on the redevelopment of a former supermarket site in Metuchen...
First Residences Completed at The Peninsula at Bayonne Harbor
The first redevelopment project at The Peninsula at Bayonne Harbor has been completed at the 430-acre, two-mile long stretch of land...
New Montclair TOD in the Home Stretch
Construction of the highly anticipated Montclair Residences at the NJ TRANSIT Bay Street Station in Montclair is near completion...
South Jersey Light Rail to Move Forward
The Delaware River Port Authority presented its recommendations in May for introducing a PATCO light rail service between Camden and Glassboro...
ARC to Bring TOD Opportunities to NJ’s Rail Towns
A pair of much needed new passenger rail tunnels underneath the Hudson River connecting New Jersey and New York City is becoming a reality...
Cranford Advances Riverfront Project
The township of Cranford has been focusing on downtown issues for over two decades since it gained the downtown Special Improvement District...
Denver Links Affordable Housing with Transit
The John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation in February recently granted $2 million in low interest loans to Enterprise Community Partners...
Battling Sprawl in Tysons Corner, Virginia
Tysons Corner, Virginia, has launched effort to retrofit its sprawling landscape into a more dense environment that could serve as a national model...
New TOD Resource: Metro New York TOD Newsletter to Launch
The Voorhees Transportation Center is pleased to announce the launch of a new e-publication, the TOD Line, the Metro New York TOD Newsletter...
Two New Jersey Cities Receive Regional Grants
Newark and Trenton in March received $20,000 each from the Tri-State Transportation Campaign to promote TOD near their bus and rail stations...
Former Hive of Industry, Harrison Redevelops with Transit
Located across the Passaic River from Newark, the town of Harrison’s past and future is intrinsically linked to its public transit accessibility...
Somerville Landfill Redevelopment Stalled by Recession; Downtown Somerville Awarded Improvement Loan
Redevelopment plans for the former landfill site near Somerville’s Raritan Valley Line station have been delayed, a victim of economic uncertainty...
Communities Advance Safe Streets to Transit Projects
The New Jersey Department of Transportation recently awarded its first Safe Streets to Transit grants to 15 communities...
The Case for Sustainability Through Transit-Oriented Development
Sustainability through TOD means reducing auto dependency, restoring transit infrastructure, and recycling urban land...
Transit-Oriented Housing – Shelter in a Storm?
Despite the ongoing housing slump (and the economic collapse), inner-ring towns with rail service to New York City have outpaced the overall market...
Transit Terminal Anchors Camden Redevelopment
The Walter Rand Transportation Center shows promise as an anchor of development in a city regarded as the poster child for the state’s urban woes...
Mixed-Use and Arts Come to East Orange
Among Orange's assets is the city’s two rail stations located one mile apart on the Morris & Essex Line, Brick Church and East Orange...
Mixed-Use Projects Continue in Rahway
Over the past several years, Rahway has undertaken an intensive effort to attract new residential and commercial development to its downtown...
Morristown Projects Move Forward
Morristown will soon see the completion of two mixed-use projects, the Highlands at Morristown and the redevelopment of Epstein's Department Store...
California Enacts Smart Growth Bill
California Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger has signed into law SB 375, declaring it an “historic state-local partnership” to fight suburban sprawl...
New Program: Classic Towns of Greater Philadelphia
In July 2008, the Delaware Valley Regional Planning Commission named 11 communities as inaugural members of the Classic Towns of Greater Philadelphia...
Big Changes Planned for the Yonkers Waterfront
Yonkers Mayor Philip Amicone unveiled a revision of the Alexander Street Master Plan, part of the city’s effort to promote its downtown through TOD...
New Station and Construction to Begin at Wood-Ridge
The redevelopment of the former Curtiss-Wright aircraft factory site in Wood-Ridge has been progressing...
First Project at Secaucus Transit Village Complete
The Xchange at Secaucus Junction is the first project to be built within the Secaucus Transit Village Redevelopment Area...
New Jersey’s Urban Employment Centers Get a Boost
On January 13, Governor Jon Corzine signed the The Urban Transit Hub Tax Credit Act to encourage development around train stations...
Newark’s Plans for Broad Street Station District
New Jersey’s largest city, Newark, has embarked on an ambitious plan to capitalize on its recently improved transportation connections...
New Brunswick Continues to Grow
Development in downtown New Brunswick continues apace, despite the real estate market downturn...
Paterson Rediscovers Passenger Rail Station
Patterson is beginning to see its station as a hidden opportunity—one that had not previously received a great deal of attention...
Trenton Continues Station Area Redevelopment Efforts
Efforts are underway to capitalize on the $75 million Trenton station improvement project that is scheduled for completion this summer...
Bloomfield Center Redevelopment
Bloomfield, a New Jersey Transit Village since 2003, continues to make progress on a comprehensive redevelopment plan for its town center...
Collingswood Moves Ahead with Station Area Plans
Collingswood is taking a major step in its continuing efforts to redevelop near its transit station...
New York’s Sustainability Commission and the MTA Recommend TOD
New York’s Commission on Sustainability and the MTA have released interim recommendations to promote environmental sustainability through transit...
Bayonne Launches 22nd Street Station/Broadway Corridor Redevelopment
The city of Bayonne has added its Hudson-Bergen Light Rail Line station at 22nd Street to its transit-oriented planning efforts...
A New Face of TOD—Bus Rapid Transit
Bus Rapid Transit has emerged as an efficient and affordable investment concept for converting urban bus routes into a modern, fast, reliable service...
Special Feature: A Housing Market Perspective of TOD
With the deep slump in New Jersey’s housing market, one bright spot remains—locations that are transit-rich...
Towers Rise in Journal Square
The Jersey City Planning Board has granted site plan approval for two mixed-used towers adjacent to the Journal Square PATH station...
Metuchen Takes its Next Step
Metuchen has received a Smart Future grant of $50,000 to continue its public outreach efforts in support of redevelopment...
Cleveland Moves Forward with Bus-Supporting TOD
Cleveland has big plans for the Euclid Avenue Corridor that are anchored by the bus-rapid transit Euclid Corridor Transportation Project...
NY Governor Creates Smart Growth Cabinet
Governor Eliot Spitzer has created a New York Smart Growth Cabinet to determine how best to discourage sprawl and promote smart land use practices...
Beacon Embraces Transit-Oriented Development
The city of Beacon, located 60 miles north of New York City, continues with efforts to develop near its newly modernized rail station...
Governor Corzine Signs Urban Transit Hub Tax Credit Act
Governor Jon Corzine has signed the Urban Transit Hub Tax Credit Act to encourage redevelopment and job growth at locations served by transit...
Redevelopment Plans for Beverly and Edgewater Park
Burlington County has produced a proposal to build new residential and commercial space near the Beverly/Edgewater Park RiverLine station...
Somerville Plans Move Forward
Somerville has taken another step to develop the 160-acre landfill site near its Raritan Valley train station...
Renewed Trenton Station Spurs Redevelopment
With funding from the Delaware Valley Regional Planning Commission Trenton has embarked on plans to redevelop the area around its train station...
This Issue’s Focus: NJ Brownfield Redevelopment
Brownfields are abandoned, idled or underutilized industrial and commercial properties where redevelopment is complicated by contamination...
Brownfield Resources and Outlook
The enactment of the Brownfield and Contaminated Site Remediation Act triggered the cleanup of problem sites all over the state...
Collingswood’s Plans for Development Near Station
Thee Delaware River Port Authority has announced a master plan for the seven stations in southern New Jersey served by the PATCO High Speed Line...
Rahway Redevelopment Agency Moves Forward with Plan to Move City Hall, Develop Town Center
Rahway has launched one of the city’s most ambitious TOD projects, Rahway Town Center, which calls for new retail, housing and a hotel...
19th Century Technology Creates 21st Century Solutions in Tampa
The $55 million invested in building the TECO streeetcar system has helped to attract over $1 billion in new private investment...
Orlando Area Getting Commuter Rail
$250 million in federal funding had been budgeted for a proposed 61-mile commuter rail system through Volusia, Seminole, Orange and Osceola counties...
New York—The City of Beacon Embraces Transit-Oriented Development
Beacon, located 60 miles north of New York City, is becoming a model for transit-oriented brownfields redevelopment...
DVRPC Plans for Philadelphia TOD
Recent SEPTA station-area plans have been developed for regional rail stations in the Philadelphia suburbs and the in the city of Philadelphia...
Vision Long Island Launches Smart Growth Agenda
Vision Long Island has unveiled a 10-point “Smart Growth Agenda” that discusses housing affordability, sustainable development, and mixed-use...
NJ TRANSIT mourns the loss of Richard Mariani
The Transit-Friendly Development e-newsletter notes the recent passing of L. Richard “Rick” Mariani, an early proponent of transit-friendly planning...
Somerville Plans for the Future
Somerville is currently revising its Landfill Redevelopment Plan to incorporate the adopted consensus vision plan...
Redevelopment at Raritan’s Woolen Mills
River Park at Raritan, a luxury rental unit property, recently opened on the site of the former Woolen Mills plant in Raritan, near its train station...
New Housing Near Union Township Station
Since the spring 2003 opening of its NJ TRANSIT rail station, Union Township has worked steadily toward developing the area around the station...
Port Imperial: A World Class Planned Community Out of Reclaimed Brownfields
The 200-acre Port Imperial complex is just one of the many developments that have sprung up on New Jersey’s “gold coast” across from Manhattan...
Gem of New Urbanism Moves Forward in Wood-Ridge
Somerset Development is preparing to build Wesmont Station, a new “Traditional Neighborhood” project in Wood-Ridge...
This Issue’s Focus: Parking in TOD
This issues will focus on parking issues, with articles on best management, interviews, and helpful literature resources...
How to Handle Parking — Interviews with Experts
We interviewed experts about parking demand, design, financing, and management, asking them to spotlight major issues and possible solutions...
Municipal Spotlight: New Brunswick’s Redevelopment Enhanced by Transit
On the rise since the mid-1980s and designated as a transit village in 2005, New Brunswick has become an attractive place to work, live and play...
Elizabeth Designated a New Jersey Transit Village
In February 2007, Elizabeth joined an elite group of New Jersey municipalities when it became the 18th designated Transit Village...
Burlington City is the State’s Latest Transit Village
In March 2007, New Jersey named its 19th Transit Village, Burlington City...
Maryland — Exploding with TOD Activity
The Maryland DOT has been committed to transit-oriented, joint and transit-adjacent developments, with many of TOD projects in process...
The New York Metropolitan Region Urged to Focus on TOD
In November 2006, the NYU Wagner Rudin Center for Transportation Policy & Management hosted a public forum on TOD in the New York metropolitan region...
Connecticut Companies Implement Employee Parking Reforms
Aetna, the health insurance company, is changing its parking policies in an effort to induce more of its downtown Hartford employees to ride transit...
West Windsor Names Planner for Redevelopment, Public Workshops Begin
The West Windsor Township Council hired Hillier Architecture to guide redevelopment planning for the area surrounding the Princeton Junction Station...
First Phase of Liberty Harbor, Jersey City, Now Under Construction
The long-awaited start of the award-winning Liberty Harbor TOD project in Jersey City has finally happened...
TOD Housing in a Slowing Market
To understand the current trends in the New Jersey and national housing markets, we spoke with representatives from several different disciplines...
Utilizing a Form-Based Planning Approach in Dover, New Jersey
Dover used a form-based code planning approach in its TOD-based planning effort in the area surrounding its train station...
Municipal Spotlight: Dover’s Revitalization Moves Forward using TOD
Dover has declared a desire to redevelop and attract more businesses and housing, including the use of the Blackwell Historic District.
Bound Brook Developer Named
Since Hurricane Floyd hit in 1999, Bound Brook has been using state and federal assistance to rebuild its downtown around a transit-oriented focus...
Morristown Transit Village: The Epstein’s Department Store Project Begins
The transformation of the Epstein’s Department Store to rental housing – a short walk to the station – began October 12 at a groundbreaking ceremony...
South Orange Performing Arts Center Opens
South Orange recently opened a major addition to its downtown — the South Orange Performing Arts Center...
Cranford’s Downtown Attracting Residents and Shoppers
Cranford, NJ will soon see a rise in its downtown residential population, a trend that its Downtown Management Corporation hopes will continue...
Boston Suburb Banking on Big TOD
The construction of a new rail station and the demolition of a General Motors distribution center will lead to a mixed-use TOD in Westwood, MA...
Los Angeles Makes TOD a Priority
Long viewed as the epitome of auto-centric suburban sprawl, Los Angeles is making a concerted effort to nurture TOD...
TOD Comes to the Texas Capital
Austin, TX and nearby Leander have approved construction of a new commuter rail link and have launched comprehensive plans for TOD...
Governor Rell Wants Connecticut to Pursue TOD
Connecticut Governor M. Jodi Rell recently took steps to promote “responsible” growth and transit-oriented development...
Pennsylvania Legislation Fosters TOD
TOD projects in municipalities outside Philadelphia and Pittsburgh are benefiting from Pennsylvania’s Transit Revitalization Investment District Act...
The Peninsula at Bayonne Harbor (MOTBY) Moves Forward
Bayonne’s Local Redevelopment Authority has given the go-ahead to the redevelopment of the Military Ocean Terminal Bayonne as a mixed-use development...
South Bound Brook in Somerset County Canal Crossing Nears Sellout
In Bound Brook, the new mixed-use development Canal Crossing rises from the once-abandoned site of the GAF Corporation plant...
Consensus Building in TOD
This issue of Transit-Friendly Development highlights several examples in which consensus building played a major role in successful TOD initiatives...
Building Consensus in Transit-Oriented Development
It is vital to understand the needs and desires of those affected by the changes TOD brings, in order to build consensus among all involved parties...
Hot Issue: Eminent Domain in New Jersey
Eminent domain–the taking of private property for public use and a tool often used in TOD–has become one of the most debated issues in planning...
Municipal Spotlight: Collingswood, The Comeback City
While retaining its "Smalltown USA" style, Collingswood has been transformed by several major projects into an destination for residents and visitors...
Car-Sharing a Reality in New Jersey!
Car-sharing has come to New Jersey, and transit is a big reason why. Zipcar has recently set up locations in several public transit hubs...
Belmar and Netcong Developers Chosen
Belmar and Netcong have chosen developers for major mixed-use TOD projects surrounding their train stations...
Riverside Renaissance: Two Major Projects Announced
Riverside Township in Burlington County has recently announced two major projects in its transit village district...
Rahway Update: Projects, Projects, Projects!
Since Rahway was featured in our first issue, a lot has been happening in this Transit Village as it continues toward its redevelopment goals...
Opportunities and Challenges for TOD in the D.C. Region
As 2006 unfolds, a variety of planning and development efforts in WMATA’s service area reflect the opportunities and challenges faced by other regions seeking to implement TOD...
A “New Town” TOD in Connecticut: The Gilbert & Bennett Wire Mill Redevelopment Project
A Connecticut wire mill that went bankrupt after 180 years of operation has found new life thanks to Smart Growth and TOD...
PenTrans: Advocates for TOD in Pennsylvania
A number of organizations in Pennsylvania have become involved in the support and application of TOD throughout the Keystone State, such as PenTrans...
TOD on the Other Side of Jersey City: West Side Avenue Station
In Jersey City, three blocks from the West Side Avenue Station, new townhomes and lofts are being built by Centex Homes...
Improvements Made to Cinnaminson Light Rail Station
Kaplan Companies has completed a $50,000 retrofit to Cinnaminson’s RiverLINE light rail station to improve access in Villages at Cinnaminson Harbour...
Light Rail Spurs New Development
New Jersey’s two light rail lines form valuable links to existing transportation infrastructure, providing riders more options for destinations...
Practitioner Spotlight: New Urbanist Firm Emphasizes Transit-Oriented Design
For the past two decades, A. Nelessen Associates in Belle Mead, NJ has been involved in projects utilizing transit-oriented urban design principles...
Municipal Spotlight: TOD in Cranford Township
Over the past decade, Cranford has invested heavily in efforts to attract new businesses and residents, including a successful transit village bid...
Practitioner Spotlight: Anthony Marchetta, LCOR Inc.
As Vice President of LCOR Inc., a national real estate company, Anthony Marchetta has worked on numerous TOD projects throughout New Jersey...
Netcong Chosen as 17th Transit Village!
Netcong borough officials were informed September 29, 2005 of their official designation as New Jersey’s next Transit Village...
FY2005 Transit Villages Project Awards
Four Transit Villages received FY2005 project awards totally $1 million provided by the New Jersey Transportation Trust fund...
New Pedestrian Overpass and Plaza Now Open at the South Amboy Train Station
A new pedestrian overpass has opened at South Amboy station linking the parking lot on the north side with a new transit plaza on the south side...
Denver Becomes Fertile Ground for TOD
By passing a referendum to dedicate local sales tax revenue toward transit development, Denver voters set in motion ambitious transit expansion plans...
NJ TRANSIT Chooses Developer for “Highlands at Morristown Station” Project
Construction on a new mixed-use TOD at the Morristown rail station is anticipated to begin this fall, The Highlands at Morristown...
Hamilton Station Redevelopment Plan Moves Ahead
Selection of a master developer is anticipated in late 2005 for a transit-oriented development at the Hamilton Township NJ TRANSIT Station...
Princeton Junction Station Area Vision Plan
NJ TRANSIT, the NJ Office of Smart Growth and West Windsor Township completed a Station Area Vision Plan for the Princeton Junction Station in June...
Somerset County TOD Plan wins NJAPA Award
The plan “TOD Opportunities in Somerset County, New Jersey” was awarded the NJAPA Outstanding Planning Implementation Award...
Why a Newsletter about Transit-Oriented Development (TOD)?
In recent years, there has been a growing recognition across America that transit is important to the creation and maintenance of livable communities...
Municipal Spotlight: The Resurgence of Rahway
Rahway’s commitment to transit-oriented development principles have guided recent revitalization efforts of its downtown...
Practitioner Spotlight: Joel Schwartz, Landmark Companies
Joel Schwartz is a principal of Landmark Companies, L.L.C., a design-oriented development firm located in Princeton and Keasbey, New Jersey...
Transit Village Update: New Transit Villages Named!
On February 15, 2005 New Brunswick and Journal Square in Jersey City, were designated as New Jersey’s newest Transit Villages...
Somerset County Plans for TOD
Somerset County will soon complete work on a transit-oriented development study to help municipalities to effectively implement TOD planning...
Smart Commute Mortgages Make Housing Near Transit a Smart Choice
NJ TRANSIT has introduced the New Jersey Statewide Smart Commute Initiative to encourage residents to consider homeownership options near transit...
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