Wednesday, October 23, 2024

FHWA to Host Value Capture Virtual Peer Exchange/Workshop Series — Will Continue on Thursday, August 20th

FHWA will host a series of Value Capture Virtual Peer Exchanges/Workshops using a web conferencing platform. The program features peer experts who have successfully used Value Capture techniques, such as transportation impact fees, special assessments districts, tax increment finance, transportation utility fees, joint development, and naming right, to fund previously unfunded infrastructure projects. Registration for each webinar is free but is limited to 300 participants. The series started on May 7 and will continue through October 22, 2020. The complete schedule appears below. Transcripts and webinars are available after the event.

On June 18, FHWA will host the next  workshop in the series, Value Capture Strategies: Private Sector Contributions.

State and local (city, county, township & tribe) transportation professionals are invited to a Value Capture Strategies: Developer Contribution Virtual Peer Exchanges.   The program will feature peer experts from leading state and local authorities sharing their Developer Impact Fees program including the processes, requirements, accounting & administration, and much more.  Participants have an opportunity interact with peer experts to gain an in-depth understanding the benefits and applicability of Developer Impact Fees and Negotiated Exactions.

Developer Contributions can help the local authority recover a portion of the cost of roadway network and infrastructure services that is needed to accommodate population and employment growth resulted from the new development. Developer Contributions are public-private partnerships sharing infrastructure services costs resulting from new development including a variety of mechanisms by which developers can contribute directly to the provision of infrastructure and community facilities, including Development impact and Negotiated Development Contributions. The reduced availability of funds for expansion of the local road network has hindered many locals from upgrading infrastructure to meet increasing travel demand resulting from new growth.  Without developer contribution, new growth, vitality and levels of service would be seriously safety compromised.

TARGET AUDIENCE: Metropolitan and Rural Planning/Programming Organizations, States, Cities, Counties, Townships, and Tribal transportation professionals, decision makers, as well as anyone involved in development or administration of the Value Capture Program Elements.

Value Capture Virtual Peer Exchanges/Workshops
Topic Date Register Online Webinar Materials
Maximizing Value Capture by Leveraging Infrastructure Banks May 7 Completed Transcript
Use Transportation Utility Fee (TUF) to Fund Roadway Maintenance & Enhance Safety May 14 Completed Transcript
Value Capture Strategies: Private Sector Contributions (Private Contributions, Transportation Impact Fees, Negotiated Exactions…..) June 18 Completed Transcript
Value Capture Strategies: Special Assessments (Transportation Improvement District, Sales Tax District, & Community Improvement District) July 23 Register  
Value Capture Strategies: Advertising, Naming Rights, & Sponsorships August 20 Register  
Value Capture Strategies: Tax Incremental Finance Districts & Transportation Reinvestment Zones September 24 Register  
Value Capture Strategies: Joint Development & Use Right-Of-Way Agreements October 22 Register  

Below are the instructions for non-DOT attendees and Federal DOT staff and DOT-badged contractors:

Registration Process for Non-DOT Attendees

  1. Non-DOT users including State DOTs must request access to the FHWA External Portal for webinars
  2. Non-DOT users including State DOTs must login using their email address and password and request access to the site.
    • Account issuance takes approximately one business day. Once non-DOT users receive their account information, they can access the site by clicking on the registration link and logging in.

Registration Process for Federal DOT Staff and DOT-badged Attendees

Federal DOT staff do not need to register for an account. However, please register for each and every webinar you and others anticipate attending. FHWA needs a head count to provide an adequate number of phone lines. You can register as individuals or as a group, as long as there is only one phone line used. Use the link provided that is unique and distinct for each session of the airings.

There is no cost to participate in these webinars and they are open to everyone who is interested. Each webinar will last 120 minutes with 90 minutes allocated for presentations and 30 minutes for audience Q&As. Through the use of web conferencing technology, participants can view the speakers’ presentations on their computer and hear the audio portion of the presentations either via the computer or interact with the speaker via telephone, depending on preference.

If you have questions, please contact Thay Bishop at (404) 562-3695 or