Recommended Resources
CapMetro: Equitable Transit-Oriented Development Study
CapMetro, the City of Austin, the Austin Transit Partnership, and Project Connect. (2023). Equitable Transit-Oriented Development Study. Executive Summary and...
Purple Line: Equitable Transit-Oriented Development Strategy
Report link: Purple Line: Equitable Transit-Oriented Development Strategy
The Purple Line Equitable Transit-Oriented Development Strategy delves into equity considerations surrounding the construction of the Purple Line in Maryland...
The Purple Line Equitable Transit-Oriented Development Strategy delves into equity considerations surrounding the construction of the Purple Line in Maryland...
Transit Friendly Planning: A Guide for New Jersey Communities
Report link: Transit Friendly Planning: A Guide for New Jersey Communities
With a goal of supporting sustainable and affordable lifestyles through accessible mobility, NJ TRANSIT’s Transit Friendly Planning: A Guide for New Jersey Communities seeks to empower diverse stakeholders in making land use decisions that support and encourage transit use...
With a goal of supporting sustainable and affordable lifestyles through accessible mobility, NJ TRANSIT’s Transit Friendly Planning: A Guide for New Jersey Communities seeks to empower diverse stakeholders in making land use decisions that support and encourage transit use...
The Opportunity of Low Emission Zones
Report link: The Opportunity of Low Emission Zones: A Taming Traffic Deep Dive Report
As urban policymakers strive to create healthier cities, they may tackle the challenge of pollution through the strategic use of Low Emission Zones (LEZs)...
As urban policymakers strive to create healthier cities, they may tackle the challenge of pollution through the strategic use of Low Emission Zones (LEZs)...
Move! That! Bus! Tactics for Transforming Transit in Two Years
Resource link: Move! That! Bus!
One important action to improve transit and reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions may be getting riders on the bus...
One important action to improve transit and reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions may be getting riders on the bus...
Transit-Oriented Displacement or Community Dividends? Understanding the Effects of Smarter Growth on Communities
Resource link: Transit-Oriented Displacement or Community Dividends?
Tackling an under-researched connection between transit-oriented development (TOD) and displacement, Karen Chapple and Anastasia Loukaitou-Sideris establish the case for greater consideration of how TOD projects affect vulnerable residents within their geographic pull...
Tackling an under-researched connection between transit-oriented development (TOD) and displacement, Karen Chapple and Anastasia Loukaitou-Sideris establish the case for greater consideration of how TOD projects affect vulnerable residents within their geographic pull...
Guide to Joint Development for Public Transportation Agencies
Report link: Guide to Joint Development for Public Transportation Agencies
TCRP's recently released report provides detailed guidelines and best practices on the real estate development process that occurs on transit agency property or through some other type of development transaction to which the transit agency is a party...
TCRP's recently released report provides detailed guidelines and best practices on the real estate development process that occurs on transit agency property or through some other type of development transaction to which the transit agency is a party...
(Overlooked) Association Between Express Bus Station / Stop Proximity and Multifamily Rents with a Surprise About Transit Mode Synergism and Implications for Transit and Land Use Planning
Report link: (Overlooked) Association Between Express Bus Station / Stop Proximity and Multifamily Rents with a Surprise About Transit Mode Synergism and Implications for Transit and Land Use Planning
Researchers examine the economic relationship between express bus stops and land value.
Researchers examine the economic relationship between express bus stops and land value.
Transit-Oriented Development for Older Adults: A Survey of Current Practices Among Transit Agencies and Local Governments in the US
Report link: Transit-Oriented Development for Older Adults: A Survey of Current Practices Among Transit Agencies and Local Governments in the US
Researchers from Florida State University examine how transit agencies and governmental entities address the needs of older adults through their TOD efforts...
Researchers from Florida State University examine how transit agencies and governmental entities address the needs of older adults through their TOD efforts...
Reimagining Bloomfield Streets
This fall 2018 studio led by VTC's Stephanie DiPetrillo and Leigh Ann Von Hagen explored ways to improve access by all modes of travel to the Watsessing Avenue Station and provided recommendations to enhance existing assets in support of overall health, wellness, and equity in Bloomfield Township, New Jersey...
TOD and Park-and-Ride: Which is Appropriate Where?
Report link: TOD and Park-and-Ride: Which is Appropriate Where?
Researchers from San Jose State University explore the short-term and long-term impacts of Park-and-Rides and TOD upon transit ridership...
Researchers from San Jose State University explore the short-term and long-term impacts of Park-and-Rides and TOD upon transit ridership...
Promoting Transit-Oriented Developments by Addressing Barriers Related to Land Use, Zoning, and Value Capture
Report link: Value Capture: Capitalizing on the Value Created by Transportation Implementation Manual
Researchers from San Jose State University explore the land use, zoning, and value capture-related barriers that stymy the construction of TODs as well as strategies used or that could be used to surmount these hurdles...
Researchers from San Jose State University explore the land use, zoning, and value capture-related barriers that stymy the construction of TODs as well as strategies used or that could be used to surmount these hurdles...