Development & Redevelopment

TOD 202: Station Area Planning: How to Make Great Transit-Oriented Places

TOD 202: Station Area Planning: How to Make Great Transit-Oriented Places. (2008). Reconnecting America and the Center for Transit-Oriented Development.

In a follow up to its TOD 101: Why Transit-Oriented Development and Why Now?, Reconnecting America’s Center for Transit-Oriented Development has produced TOD 202: Station Area Planning: How to Make Great Transit-Oriented Places. This handbook is designed to promote best practices in transit-oriented development by simplifying the complex decisions involved in planning for TOD. This concise guide has two distinct parts: a typology of TOD place types designed to distinguish the unique characteristics of TOD places and a guide to station-area planning principles. The typology describes seven distinct place types—defined by size, density, building type and use—along with advice on how to identify these TOD types. Accompanying illustrations, as well as characteristic and development matrices, help the reader understand the nuances of place-specific TOD. The second part provides a checklist for important station-area planning principles, such as creating meaningful community involvement and managing parking effectively. Examples provided throughout the text demonstrate these planning principles in action.