
Ten Principles for Successful Development Around Transit

Report link: Ten Principles for Successful Development Around Transit

The Urban Land Institute released a report in 2003 to help municipal officials and planners successfully implement development around transit centers...

Municipal Spotlight: The Resurgence of Rahway

Rahway’s commitment to transit-oriented development principles have guided recent revitalization efforts of its downtown...

Practitioner Spotlight: Joel Schwartz, Landmark Companies

Joel Schwartz is a principal of Landmark Companies, L.L.C., a design-oriented development firm located in Princeton and Keasbey, New Jersey...

Hidden in Plain Sight: Capturing the Demand for Housing Near Transit

Report link: Hidden in Plain Sight

This report studies the demand for housing near America’s rapid transit systems and finds that demand for such housing will likely double by 2025...

The New Transit Town: Best Practices in Transit-Oriented Development

Report link: The New Transit Town

In this book, the demographic trends that favor an increasing demand for TOD are outlined,as well as the issues of design, public policy and finance...

Transit-Oriented Development in the United States: Experiences, Challenges, and Prospects

Report link: Transit-Oriented Development in the United States

This analysis of TOD practice examines its impacts, benefits, and barriers, as well as useful policies and implementation and financing tools...

Planning for Transit-Friendly Land Use: A Handbook for New Jersey Communities

Report link: Planning for Transit Friendly Land Use

This handbook is designed to help planning officials, planning and zoning boards and communities create successful TOD environments...

Transit Village Update: New Transit Villages Named!

On February 15, 2005 New Brunswick and Journal Square in Jersey City, were designated as New Jersey’s newest Transit Villages...

Somerset County Plans for TOD

Somerset County will soon complete work on a transit-oriented development study to help municipalities to effectively implement TOD planning...

Smart Commute Mortgages Make Housing Near Transit a Smart Choice

NJ TRANSIT has introduced the New Jersey Statewide Smart Commute Initiative to encourage residents to consider homeownership options near transit...

Emerging European-Style Planning in the US: Transit-Oriented Development

The authors argues that the New Jersey Transit Village Initiative is an example of a new role for state planning in the United States...