
Affordable Housing + TOD: Obligations and Opportunities 

Friday, February 7, 2025 | 9:30am – 12:00pm 

Gov. James J. Florio Special Events Forum
Edward J. Bloustein School of Planning and Public Policy
Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey
33 Livingston Ave, New Brunswick, NJ 08901

This event, hosted by NJTOD, Downtown New Jersey, and NJ TRANSIT’s Transit Friendly Planning (TFP) Program will bring together experts from public agencies, nonprofit organizations, and the private sector to share their experiences with affordable housing in downtowns across New Jersey. Affordable housing is not only a legal obligation in New Jersey but also vital contributor to the vibrancy of our Main Streets and the success of equitable transit-oriented development (e-TOD).  

With the release of the fourth-round regulations of the Council of Affordable Housing (COAH), many municipalities across the state will need to plan for additional affordable housing units. The panel will discuss their experiences in developing affordable and mixed-income housing, strategies for meeting affordable housing obligations, and approaches to equitably locating affordable housing. Panelists will also highlight best practices for leveraging e-TOD to create new affordable housing in transit-rich neighborhoods.

Registration, Networking & Refreshments at 9:30 AM
Panel at 10:00 AM

Stephanie DiPetrillo, RU-VTC / NJTOD

Natalie Pineiro, Executive Director, Downtown New Jersey

4th Round Overview
Jonathan Sternesky, Director, Policy and External Affairs, NJ HMFA

Leigh Ann Von Hagen, Executive Director, RU-VTC

Christopher Pugliese, Director, Housing and Development, Affordable Housing Alliance
Kristen Mitchell, Director, Transit Oriented Development, NJ TRANSIT 
Lorissa Luciani, Administrator of Housing Production, New Jersey Department of Community Affairs
Patrick Terborg, Managing Member, TD+Partners 
Staci Berger, President and CEO, Housing and Community Development Network of New Jersey

Closing Remarks
Megan Massey, AICP, PP, Director, Transit Friendly Planning, NJ TRANSIT

Published since 2005, NJTOD (aka the Transit-Friendly Development Newsletter) is designed to keep municipal officials, planners, and advocates up-to-date on the potential for development and redevelopment around transit stations. This partnership between NJ TRANSIT and the Bloustein School’s Alan M. Voorhees Transportation Center (VTC) at Rutgers University aims to enrich the TOD conversation in New Jersey’s diverse communities by highlighting what is happening in the state and around the country: best practices, model programs, legislation, and local problem-solving experiences. 

Downtown New Jersey
Downtown New Jersey (DNJ) is a non-profit membership organization of individuals, businesses, developers, government agencies, and local and regional entities that are passionate about downtowns. Downtowns reflect our communities’ unique identities, provide a focal point, a convenient local place of commerce, and offer a sense of place where people can gather and truly be a community. DNJ provides advocacy, education, and technical assistance resources dedicated to ensuring the vitality of our downtowns. 

The NJ TRANSIT Transit-Friendly Planning Program (TFP) supports transit use by working with communities to provide for an appropriate mix of land uses around NJ TRANSIT terminals, stations, and stops. Beginning in the mid-1990s, the TFP has enabled NJ TRANSIT to participate in transit-supportive development through activities such as public education and on-call technical assistance, along with projects focused on enhancing transit ridership, creating non-farebox revenue, spurring local economic revitalization, and leveraging transit to improve quality of life. NJ TRANSIT is now strategically updating the TFP, refining program initiatives and offerings to best serve the diverse stakeholders engaged in transit-supportive activities throughout New Jersey. 

AICP Credits: CM | 2.5