Saturday, July 27, 2024

Health & Environment

Equitable TODHealth & Environment

Transit-Oriented Development for Older Adults: A Survey of Current Practices Among Transit Agencies and Local Governments in the US

Report link: Transit-Oriented Development for Older Adults: A Survey of Current Practices Among Transit Agencies and Local Governments in the US
Researchers from Florida State University examine how transit agencies and governmental entities address the needs of older adults through their TOD efforts.

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Active TransportationDevelopment & RedevelopmentHealth & Environment

Are We There Yet? Creating Complete Communities for 21st Century America

Report link: Are We There Yet?
Reconnecting America’s 2012 research study on complete communities across the United States provides a timely look into how cities can recover from the COVID-19 crisis in the coming months and years. The study focuses on city characteristics that allow their residents to live, work, move, and thrive. Indicators used in the study provide a baseline to show what was making cities successful before the pandemic hit, and where they can begin building complete communities.

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