Who is TOD in Metro Denver?
Report link: Who is TOD in Metro Denver? Resident Survey Report
In 2009-2010 Denver Regional Council of Governments surveyed residents, employees, and businesses located near 35 rail-transit stations in the region.
Report link: Who is TOD in Metro Denver? Resident Survey Report
In 2009-2010 Denver Regional Council of Governments surveyed residents, employees, and businesses located near 35 rail-transit stations in the region.
Report link: An Evaluation of Property Values in New Jersey Transit Villages
Researchers analyzed the effect of the NJ Transit Village Initiative on property values in six municipalities that were designated by the program.
Read MoreReport link: Mixed-Income Transit-Oriented Development Action Guide
The Mixed-Income Transit-Oriented Development Action Guide helps communities retain and increase lower income TOD housing.
Report link: Briefing Report Number 3: Case Studies for Transit Oriented Development
This report offers a useful summary of some of the wide variety of land use and planning techniques that have been used to encourage TOD.
Report link: Revitalizing Main Street
A resource from the National Trust for Historic Preservation offers readers a detailed look at the many aspects of downtown growth and development.
Report link: Effects of TOD on Housing, Parking, and Travel
This new TCRP report attempts to clarify the relationship between livable communities and transit.
Report link: Land Development at Selected Hudson-Bergen Light Rail Stations
This study builds on a previous VTC study of the Hudson-Bergen Light Rail Line, and also examines development near other stations on the line.
Report link: What About Our Schools?
This report addresses—and dispels—one of the most common public misperceptions hindering TOD proposals.
This report tells a story of three cities – Jersey City and Hoboken in New Jersey, and Evanston, Illinois – that have experienced a lot of development since the late 1980s, reversing decades of decline.
Read MoreReport link: The Returning City
This report demonstrates how transit and historic preservation act in complementary ways to invigorate urban and suburban neighborhoods.