Transit Village News

Netcong Chosen as 17th Transit Village!

Netcong, New Jersey

Netcong Borough officials were informed September 29, 2005 of their official designation as New Jersey’s next Transit Village. The borough is located along both the Morris & Essex – Morristown Line and the Montclair-Boonton Lines of NJ TRANSIT. The notice came shortly after the borough’s announcement that it had chosen the developers for a new 13-acre project in the Main Street area of the town. Woodmont Properties and Roseland Properties will develop a mixed-use project which integrates 201 new housing units with 13,200 square feet of retail and 7,000 square feet of office space. The transit-oriented project also includes the construction of a public greenway and a community center. The Borough of Netcong, located in the Highlands Planning Area of Morris County, is the third Village named this year (after New Brunswick and Journal Square/Jersey City), and the 17th in the six-year history of the Transit Village Initiative partnership.