NJ News

NJ TRANSIT Chooses Developer for “Highlands at Morristown Station” Project

Site of future development, Morristown Station, NJ

Construction on a new mixed-use TOD at the Morristown rail station is anticipated to begin this fall. After a competitive RFP process, Rosewood Lafayette Commons, LLC (Rosewood) was designated the developer for the project. Rosewood proposes to develop “The Highlands at Morristown Station” that will consist of 218 residential units and 8,000 square feet of retail space wrapped around three sides of a 722-space parking deck. Of these 722 spaces, 415 will be dedicated to NJ TRANSIT commuters, an increase of 116 spaces over current parking capacity on the site. Rosewood received final site plan approval for the project in January 2005 and is finalizing construction documents for the project. Since 1999, when the town council passed the necessary zoning modifications to permit a mixed-use transit-oriented development on the site, Morristown and NJ TRANSIT have been collaborating to develop this three-acre parcel owned by NJ TRANSIT.