Wednesday, October 23, 2024
NJ News

Hamilton Station Redevelopment Plan Moves Ahead

Surface parking, Hamilton Station, NJ

Selection of a master developer is anticipated in late 2005 for a transit-oriented development at the Hamilton Township NJ TRANSIT Station. An RFP was sent out in March 2005 seeking a master developer for the site to promote smart growth principles consistent with the vision and redevelopment plan. Several proposals were received in July 2005 and reviewed by an evaluation committee consisting of representatives from Hamilton, NJ TRANSIT, New Jersey Economic Development Authority (NJEDA) and the New Jersey Office of Smart Growth. The site currently provides 25 acres of surface parking comprising 1,926 commuter spaces. In conjunction with the township, NJ TRANSIT recognized the potential for transit-oriented development at the site and developed a vision plan in 2000 which served as the basis for the station area redevelopment plan. In order to meet existing parking demand and to free up land for potential development, NJ TRANSIT will soon begin construction of a new 2,000-space parking deck.