TOD News Briefs

What We Are Reading: March-April 2015

Welcome to “What We Are Reading.” Here, we present some recent news and notes on transit-oriented development trends both here in New Jersey and nationally.

New Jersey TOD News

Montclair project’s ‘green’ features target millennials
By Joshua Burd, NJBiz, April 14, 2015
Looks at a project that addresses the needs and demands of this growing demographic cohort. In addition to walkability and transit accessibility, the development includes amenities that promote sustainability and wellness.

Redevelopment creates a neighborhood in downtown Cranford
By Katie Lannan,, April 14, 2015
Since 2003, Cranford has added six residential and mixed-use projects to its downtown, creating places for both new residents and for longtime residents who want to downsize and remain in the community. One result — downtown residents are helping to revitalize the area.

Demolition begins at abandoned General Dynamics site in Woodbridge
By Vernal Coleman, NJ Advance Media for, March 29, 2015
Redevelopment of 27 acres adjacent to the Avenel Station moved forward with the demolition of the General Dynamics plant, unused since 2000. Plans for the site call for environmental remediation and the construction of a mixed-use project featuring residential and retail uses and an art center.

Not just on the waterfront: Residential buildings rising in all parts of Hudson County
By Carlo Davis,, Mar 22, 2015
A town-by-town look at residential development in Hudson County, much of it located near transit, including several redevelopment projects at Journal Square and along the Hudson-Bergen Light Rail. Jersey City alone reports 6,000 new residential units in construction. Several proposed expansions of transit services are also discussed.

Businesses, offices, and hotels growing: Commercial development continues to rise in Hudson
By Art Schwartz,, Mar 22, 2015
In addition to its residential development boom, Hudson County is the home to a host of new commercial, office, and hotel projects. Projects are underway both along the waterfront and throughout the county, much of which is served by transit.

Bound Brook to upgrade train station platform
By Mike Deak,, March 12, 2015
Spurred on by the completion of its flood mitigation project and one-seat rides on the Raritan Valley Line, Bound Brook is pursuing a plan to reopen its historic train station and improve the eastbound platform. Also see: Bound Brook to renovate train station platform, waiting room, report says

National TOD News

Suburbs such as Montgomery County rethink transit to court millennials
By Katherine Shave and Bill Turque, The Washington Post, March 29, 2015
Suburbs looking to meet their economic development objectives are recognizing the growing role that public transportation plays in the location decisions of millennial and Baby Boomer generations. In addition to transit improvements, proactive locations are transforming auto-oriented suburbs into walkable, mixed-use districts.

When cheap housing isn’t really a good deal
By Emily Badger, The Washington Post, March 28, 2015
Ms. Badger revisits the issue of housing affordability and the reasons why the cost of transportation must be part of the equation. Measuring affordability in terms of both housing and transportation costs has implications in many areas including lending policy, land use decisions, and transportation infrastructure.

A new bill in Congress would create new financing option for transit-oriented development
By Alex Dodds, Smart Growth America, March 23, 2015
On March 19, 2015, NJ Senator Cory Booker has introduced the Railroad Infrastructure Financing Improvement Act (RIFIA), which would include measures to finance TOD projects near passenger rail station.