The plan “TOD Opportunities in Somerset County, New Jersey” was awarded the New Jersey chapter of the American Planning Association (NJAPA) Outstanding Planning Implementation Award. This plan, profiled in Issue 1 of Transit-Friendly Development, was a collaborative effort led by Wallace Roberts & Todd, LLC with assistance from Nelson/Nygaard Consulting Associates and the Alan M. Voorhees Transportation Center (VTC) at Rutgers University. The document presented an analysis of opportunities for transit-oriented development in Somerset County. In direct consultation with county residents, the team produced station-area plans and implementation strategies for three locations along NJ TRANSIT’s Raritan Valley Line. These conceptual visions for sites located in Bound Brook, Branchburg and Somerville provide a guide for municipalities to effectively implement TOD planning at the local level, focusing particularly on design, regulatory policy and financial strategies.
Click to view the plan.