Sunday, May 19, 2024

Transit Friendly Planning Videos

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126 video(s) found
Transit Equity Day
The video features the DASH bus in Alexandria, Virginia, which has worked towards providing more equitable service as a result of free fares and increased service frequency.
Transit Master Plan / Bike Mobility Plan - Rhode Island Smart Growth Planning Award
Following three years of robust community engagement, Rhode Island now has, for the first time, two data-driven action plans for vastly improving transit and bike mobility across the state.
Transit Oriented Development Works for People
Ida Watson, sharing her journey in overcoming homelessness in Houston, discusses the importance of affordable housing and transit in rebuilding her life.
Transit Oriented Development, Explained
The video explores factors that contribute to successful transit-oriented development.
Transit-Oriented Development | Park Central
The City of Phoenix's Planning and Development Department’s Joelle Carrasco discusses the Park Central Mall and its transformation due to light rail investment on Central Avenue.
Transit-Oriented Development | Park Central
The City of Phoenix's Planning and Development Department’s Joelle Carrasco discusses the Park Central Mall and its transformation due to light rail investment on Central Avenue.
Transit-Oriented Development in Orenco
In the 20 years since the construction of Orenco Station, the master-planned transit-oriented community has grown into a walkable neighborhood where residents and visitors benefit from easy access to transit and local amenities.
Transit-Oriented Development in Sydney
Want to learn more about TOD down under? This 20-minute video from Building Beautiful discusses efforts to capitalize upon public transportation in Sydney, Australia.
Understanding and Responding to the Transit Needs of Women in Canada
Researchers examine women’s travel behaviors to inform equitable data collection methods, transportation planning, and public transit policy.
Update Zoning Codes to Meet Housing Needs
In this video by the Chicago Metropolitan Agency for Planning, learn how communities can update their zoning to better support residents at every stage of their lives.
Urban Planning 101 What is Transit Oriented Development (TOD)?
This video provides an explanation of what really is meant by TOD and discusses some of the planning and land use policies that can be used to support it.
Walkability Theory
This video by Urbaburble explores six criteria to consider when thinking about walkable places.
Washington Heights, Roseland and Pullman: Resident Perspectives on Vacant Lots near Transit
Addressing vacant lots is an important part of Chicago’s equitable transit-oriented development (eTOD) agenda. Learn about how Community Change Agents are working to identify and revive vacant lots near the 95th/Dan Ryan Red Line CTA station and the Metra 95th Street/Chicago State University station.
What happens if you cut down all of a city's trees?
While we may think of nature as being unconnected to our urban spaces, trees have always been an essential part of successful cities.
What is a "15-Minute City"?
We can make city life more accessible, sustainable & enjoyable by creating “15-minute cities” — places where people of all backgrounds and abilities can meet all of their needs within a short walk or bike ride.
What is Adaptive Reuse?
Explore adaptive reuse—a dynamic approach to revitalize historic buildings for modern use.
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