Saturday, July 27, 2024

Recommended Reading

Case Studies & GuidebooksFinancing & Economics

Promoting Transit-Oriented Developments by Addressing Barriers Related to Land Use, Zoning, and Value Capture

Report link: Value Capture: Capitalizing on the Value Created by Transportation Implementation Manual
Researchers from San Jose State University explore the land use, zoning, and value capture-related barriers that stymy the construction of TODs as well as strategies used or that could be used to surmount these hurdles.

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Financing & Economics

Value Capture Implementation Manual: Capitalizing on the Value Created by Transportation

Report link: Value Capture: Capitalizing on the Value Created by Transportation Implementation Manual
This August 2019 U.S. Department of Transportation (DOT) Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) manual presents value capture techniques, features, and tools that can be employed by public agencies and state departments of transportation to facilitate decision-making.

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Equitable TODFinancing & Economics

Promoting Opportunity through Equitable Transit-Oriented Development (eTOD): Navigating Federal Transportation Policy

Report link: Promoting Opportunity through Equitable Transit-Oriented Development (eTOD): Navigating Federal Transportation Policy
This report provides stakeholders involved in achieving eTOD, such as public entities, developers and practitioners, guidance on understanding and benefiting from federal transportation policies and programs.

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Equitable TOD

From Transactional to Transformative: The Case for Equity in Gateway City Transit-Oriented Development

Report link: From Transactional to Transformative: The Case for Equity in Gateway City Transit-Oriented Development
The MassInc Gateway Cities Innovation Institute released a report detailing the importance of Transformative TOD (TTOD)—a framework that intentionally “leverages equitable environmental, fiscal, and growth benefits” of developing property near transit stations.

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Active TransportationDevelopment & RedevelopmentHealth & Environment

Are We There Yet? Creating Complete Communities for 21st Century America

Report link: Are We There Yet?
Reconnecting America’s 2012 research study on complete communities across the United States provides a timely look into how cities can recover from the COVID-19 crisis in the coming months and years. The study focuses on city characteristics that allow their residents to live, work, move, and thrive. Indicators used in the study provide a baseline to show what was making cities successful before the pandemic hit, and where they can begin building complete communities.

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Financing & EconomicsHousing

How Residential and Commercial Property Values Rise in Transit Sheds

Resource Link: The Real Estate Mantra – Locate Near Public Transportation by the American Public Transportation Association

This study reveals that it is getting increasingly expensive to live near public transit. As more and more cities invest in mixed-use developments, house prices and rents within a half-mile of transit facilities are increasing at a faster rate than those in neighborhoods farther away.

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